
Posts Tagged ‘kate winslet

A Life Worth Blogging About. also, Kate Winslet.

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People have been asking me if I plan on continuing my blog now that I have returned from Honduras. My mom, for example.


Also, my aunt.


This was a question I had to ask myself, as well. I will inform you of my thought process with a series of bulleted questions:


  • What if the power never goes out?
  • What if I don’t fall out of any trees?
  • What if everyone flushes the toilet at my house?
  • What if Destiny’s Child never has a reunion tour?


And other important blog-related questions like these.


I had some doubt that perhaps my life outside of Honduras wouldn’t be exciting enough to blog about, that perhaps my adventures would lessen in scale and wouldn’t be blog-level interesting. Who would read a boring blog?


No one, that’s who.


Except for you, mom. Love you.


And then, like always happens when I am faced with life’s conundrums, I thought of Kate Winslet.



Surely I’m not the only one who does this, correct?


Oh Katiepoo, I just love ya. BBM me?


In The Holiday, Kate’s character, Iris, deals with a similar, though totally different issue than me. The person she was in love with got engaged, I’m afraid of having a boring blog. We’re all just trying to make it through, really.


Anyhow, she got some advice from a friend that changed my life when I heard it. Observe:



Did you catch that?



How often do we view the quality of our lives as something determined by the opinion of others? We are all leading ladies! Well, you know what I mean.


The point I’m trying to make is that I had to come to the realization that my life, whether I am in a far away country from my own, climbing trees and learning new languages, or in my own hometown going to college and returning my library books late, is an adventure, and is worth blogging about.


And yours is, too, in case you were wondering. 🙂


So to sum up, I will be continuing my blog, and I hope that you will stick around and go on this adventure called the human experience with me! As for my part, I will do my best not to blog about boring things.


Like my lunch today, for an example.


It was Subway. I got the Spicy Italian and had them add some sweet onion sauce to mix things up a bit. It was more than I could have ever hoped for.


But I won’t blog about things like that, for your sakes.


If I’m Not Done Watching Clips of Kate Winslet Movies on YouTube in Two Days Send Help,



Written by Isaac Anthony

July 25, 2011 at 6:41 pm