
Posts Tagged ‘invention

Grills, Mirrors, and ANTipasti: Tales of the Desperately Inventive.

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You know how they say that necessity is the mother of invention? Well for us here in Honduras, it is the mother, father, sister, brother, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, grandfather, grandmother, cousin, and mailman. Observe:



This is our trusty grill, affectionately referred to by its users as “The Midnight Meat Grill.” A creation born out of our own desperation, this grill was not always a grill. If you look closely, you will notice that it was once a simple school desk.



However, with the removal of a pesky writing surface, and the addition of an old fence screen, this former educational tool now moonlights as a meat-cooker that would rival George Forman in effectiveness. Observe:



At this time I will share with you one of the most difficult parts of my stay here in Honduras thus far: there is not a single mirror in the entire country. This is, of course, a gross hyperbole, but you must understand that without having been able to have myself reflected back at me for so long, my sense of reality is distorted. But as aforementioned, we have become inventive in our need. Observe:



Fabulous glasses? Yes.





In addition to this, I have located which windows on the property are most reflective, and am sure to walk by these windows on my way to the school every morning.



Nate, my roommate, had a true stroke of genius this morning when he shaved outside by the school’s bus, using its rearview mirrors to guide his way. These are the tales of the desperately inventive. Only the thoughtful shall find themselves a mirror and grilled steak.


Lastly, a question: if you have a box of noodles and there are ants inside, is it ok to eat if you boil it well and fish out the ants as they float, lifeless, to the top? Just curious.



Never Lacking Protein in My Diet,

