
Posts Tagged ‘Glitter Kitty

All I Want for July Is Christmas!

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Don’t you just love the Christmas season? I personally feel that there are few things more magnificent than the month of December (except maybe November, when all the holiday feelings are there without the stress of the December rush, ya know?). And if the holidays are so special, why have them only once a year? Good question, right?


Well this month is my mom’s birthday. Have you met my mumsipoo?



This is my mum. Isn’t she the cutest?


You needn’t answer; that was rhetorical.


But if you did answer, you’d say yes, right?



I thought so.


Since my marmie is so special, we decided to throw her an **extra** special birthday party this year. We chose the theme “Christmas in July.” Isn’t it delightful?


Before reading on, start playing this:



Upon entering the house, guests, dressed head-to-toe in Christmas colors (Which include but are not limited to red, green, white, and the metals, if you were at all curious. If someone tries to convince you that navy or “midnight blue” is one, they are a fibber and a fraud and shouldn’t be allowed in your home unattended.), were greeted by the best holiday music of yesterday and today, a fake fireplace on the TV, and halls decked with boughs of Christmas-y wonderfulness from top to bottom! There were holiday desserts, finger foods, and candy everywhere!



Everyone brought a $1 gift for a Christmas gift exchange as a part of the night’s festivities.


What was my gift, you ask? A glitter kitty, naturally.


What is a glitter kitty, you ask?



A glitter kitty starts out like most other kitty statues, relatively plain. But with a little faith and a lot of glitter, even YOUR kitty statue can become…





Anyhow, it was a wonderful party, full of holiday cheer and the celebrating of my little marmalade.




We made white piña coladas and red strawberry daiquiris (please reference above holiday color guide) from scratch that were the perfect mesh of July and December!



We couldn’t get enough of them, clearly.



We ALSO made chocolate covered strawberries!



We had a hard time getting enough of these, as well.



The gift exchange was a success!



Landen, my little nephite, picked the same item he brought, the little twerp.



Samiyah, my niece (who gets her sense of style from me, I’d just like to state for the record) was stolen from and had to choose another present not once,



Not twice,



Not thrice,



But FOUR times, the poor dear. There is no withholding in a gift exchange among loved ones. It’s best she learns this now.



Cheri got the glitter kitty!


Her elation was nearly palpable.



And then my little Lily sat in a bucket, and nothing else seemed to matter anymore.


I suppose at this point, only time will tell if there will ever be another party as splendid as my mommipot’s  “Christmas in July” bash.


I’ll definitely let you know if there is.



Christmas-colored Jell-O, anyone?


Walking in a Winter Wonderland,

